Workout- Fit Test
Bible Reading- Revelation 18 - 22
I've done it! I'm done! I have followed the P90X workout plan, Blogged, and read the entire Bible in 90 Days! I am so stinking proud of myself. I have a long history of wanting to accomplish things and never quite following through with them. I am awesome at setting goals, however completing them is quite a different story. Here are some overall general observations that I have from my experience.
- I am stronger and more disciplined than I give myself credit for.
- I sometimes quit before I should. I've learned that I can
- The Bible is a complete story from Genesis 1 all the way to Revelation 22. It all fits together.
- I still can't say that I love reading scripture. However, I've done it as an act of obedience.
- God
doesn't always call us to do things that we particularly enjoy.
- My wife and my daughter are worth the sacrifice of time, sweat, and pain that is required for me to be healthy for many years to come.
I am worth the sacrifice of time, sweat, and pain that is required for me to be healthy for many years to come!
- I have an incredibly supportive wife
- good writing requires a concerted effort. It just doesn't happen.
Overall, I would say that this has been an awesome experience. It has been extremely difficult and I won't say that I have loved it. It's been good however to see that I can set a goal like this and accomplish it. I have to give a huge thanks to my beautiful wife for being so supportive. Not only did she do the Bible in 90 days with me, but she also didn't complain about the time commitment for me to do my workouts as well. She knew why I was doing it, and went the extra mile to take care of the baby and the house while I was busy working out. I appreciate her so much!
Alright, now on to the results. I didn't lose a ton of weight and I won't be gracing the cover of any fitness magazines anytime soon, but I am still happy with my results. At the beginning I could only do a measly 12
push ups. This morning I did 30! That's still not an incredible amount, but for me that is a huge improvement. I have also lowered my resting heart rate by about 10 beats per minute. Overall, I think I am accomplishing my goal of being healthier. I have also lost 12 pounds in the process and can fit into clothes that I previously could not. Here are some pictures from before and after. You can see the biggest difference in the side picture.
Thanks to all of you who kept up with my progress and encouraged me! I am going to take a week off and start the P90X program again. I must be crazy! My two brothers have talked me into it. If anyone out there is wanting to start up, let me know and you can join me! I especially could use someone to actually work out with, because that would keep me from slacking off!
Thanks again everyone!