Why am I doing this?

I have found that I am in need of a project. I also have several goals that seem to be nagging me lately. 1. I need to get in shape. Although round is a shape, it's not so much what I am looking for. 2. I need to read the Bible more. It has yet to become a vital foundation to my faith on a consistent basis. 3. I would like to write more. It's something I greatly enjoy, but simply do not make time for it.

So I have decided to take the next 90 days to simultaneously complete the P90X fitness challenge, Read the Bible in 90 Days, and Blog about my entire experience. Viola! This condenses all three goals into a single project.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


If I were to list my relationship status with Yoga on Facebook, it would definitly be, "It's Complicated". We have a love/hate thing going on.

Things that I hate... It's long. It's an hour and a half! It's a little ridiculous if you ask me. And it's hard. There are a few of the poses that they want you to do, and all I can do is stand there and stare at the TV and say, really Tony Horton... who do you think I am? I can't do that!

This is the "Twisting Half Moon" pose. It may not look too difficult, but go ahead and give it a try and see what I mean. Now try and hold it for 30 seconds and you will really begin to see what I am talking about. This other pose is the "Crane" pose. Here is where I really start to laugh in disbelief. Seriously... who are these people that can do this? Certainly not me!

Maybe after 90 days of this, I will figure it out, but I am certainly skeptical.

Now, with that said, I do love the way I feel after I have finished the workout. It's just refreshing... as silly as that sounds. I feel quite accomplished when I am done.

So, I will continue to do the yoga workouts. Some times begrudgingly and others, happily because that's how we roll. Yoga and I are on again off again and that's apparantly how we like it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Updates and Secretaries

I think the problem that I had with blogging during my last challenge was that it got a little monotonous. I got really tired of trying to make up something to talk about each day. So my new plan is to blog every few days. Also, instead of only talking about my workouts and readings, I will expand to talk about whatever I want. This will hopefully relieve some of the annoyance of having to blog every day.

So... on to other things.

A local auto glass shop hosts a lunch for all of the area insurance companies in town as a thank you for sending our customers to them for all of their windshield needs. They specifically schedule this lunch around this time of year to corrospond with "Secretaries Day" or should I say "Administrative Professionals Day". I am choosing to not be offended by the fact that I am often times considered a secretary. Not that there is anything wrong with being a secretary, it's just that people put this stigma on that title. Like they think I am incapable of independant thought and all I do is answer the phone and take messages all day. This is not the case. In fact, I am professionally licensed in 4 lines of insurance and conduct sales transactions all day long. I do all the work of an agent all day long but because I don't have the "Agent" title, people look at me like I am an idiot. Anyway... I digress.

They host this lunch every year at The Island Bay Yacht Club. It's super fancy and always a really good meal. The awkward thing about this gathering is that I am almost always the only guy in attendance. While there are guys that work in Agent offices, not very many choose to attend the lunch. I say, free lunch and out of the office for two hours.... sign me up! Also, they have door prizes and lots of them. While this was my 5th year in attendance, I have NEVER won a door prize. It's quite sad. Today, everyone else at my table won a prize, but I did not. All of the numbers around mine were called, but my sad little ticket number 793 was never called. It was a sad day. I think I should automatically get a prize for being the only man in the room, but that is just me.

Perhaps next year I will win something. 6th times a charm right?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 1.... Again

Dare I commit myself to 90 days of blogging yet again? Sigh... Perhaps I will only blog periodically as time allows. So I am doing my 90 day challenge again. I'm not 100% what has come over me this time. Other than the fact that I need something physical to do and apparantly I really like P90X because this will be my 4th round. Can't you tell by my rock hard abs? oh wait... not so much. Apparantly I am not as insane as all of those people on the infomercials. While I am still seeing results, I am definitely more on the 2 year plan. I know there are muscles in my stomach somewhere. I just know it and maybe one day I will find them. As far as the Bible reading goes, I am not so sure. Seeing that I have hardly done any Bible reading since I finished last summer, I suppose I have decided that it was time to pick it back up again. This time around I have even found a few people to do it with me. I have a few who are working out with me periodically and a few who are doing the Bible portion. It will be very nice to have some support on both accounts. And so on we go. 90 Days of getting up early and lots of reading and writing. I'm going to kick this challenges ass! (remind me of this at day 45 when I'm totally sick of this challenge!)