Why am I doing this?

I have found that I am in need of a project. I also have several goals that seem to be nagging me lately. 1. I need to get in shape. Although round is a shape, it's not so much what I am looking for. 2. I need to read the Bible more. It has yet to become a vital foundation to my faith on a consistent basis. 3. I would like to write more. It's something I greatly enjoy, but simply do not make time for it.

So I have decided to take the next 90 days to simultaneously complete the P90X fitness challenge, Read the Bible in 90 Days, and Blog about my entire experience. Viola! This condenses all three goals into a single project.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 45

Workout- Back and Biceps
Bible Reading- Psalm 109 - 134

What is that way off in the distance? If you look waaayyyy off you can see it. It looks like a tiny little speck of light. I think it just might be the light at the end of the tunnel. Today being day 45, marks the official half way point. I look back and I think that it doesn't feel like I have been doing this for that long, but then again, it feels like I have been at this forever! It's weird like that. Anyway, I am so excited to know that I have more days behind me than I do before me. I'm very proud of myself for sticking with it for this long. Maybe the downward slope that is left is just the motivation I need to put more effort into it. We will see.


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