Why am I doing this?

I have found that I am in need of a project. I also have several goals that seem to be nagging me lately. 1. I need to get in shape. Although round is a shape, it's not so much what I am looking for. 2. I need to read the Bible more. It has yet to become a vital foundation to my faith on a consistent basis. 3. I would like to write more. It's something I greatly enjoy, but simply do not make time for it.

So I have decided to take the next 90 days to simultaneously complete the P90X fitness challenge, Read the Bible in 90 Days, and Blog about my entire experience. Viola! This condenses all three goals into a single project.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 9

Workout- Plyometrics
Bible Reading- Leviticus 14:33-26:1-26

I am not feeling very motivated to work out this week. The excitement of starting a new program has worn off and I am stuck in this window of time between that and when I will finally start seeing results. According to my brother-in-law, who talked me into this, I won't really start to notice any difference until around day 20 or so. As I am known for my patience, or lack there of, you can see how this would be frustrating. I want things now! I don't want to wait! Oh well. I will try and find an extra bit of motivation for the next few days.

Leviticus is almost over and I am very excited about that. Which is surprising seeing as how much I love reading about what various bodily discharges and acts of indecency will leave you "unclean". To be honest, I just don't understand all of this clean vs unclean discussion in the Old Testament. I'm sure some historical context would help, but it all is so foreign to me as I read this now. I just don't know why all of this had to be outlined for us to read a few thousand years later. What is the application for today? Is there any?


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 8

Workout- Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X
Bible Reading- Leviticus 1-14:1-32

Week two begins with a vengence. Today is officially my least favorite workout. I can seriously only do so many pushups before I want to die. It was a little better than last week, but still really hard.

I was able to control my excitement and I waited to delve into Leviticus until this morning. This book is the reason why most poeple quit reading the Bible. It was sooooo boring! All that talk about how to perform the various offerings got really laborious to read. Thank God we have Jesus so we don't have to do all of this any more! Later the chapters began to define what was clean and what was unclean. Then, we ended with boils, and scabs, and scars.... oh my! I will be so glad to be finished with the Pentateuch!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 7

Workout- Stretch X
Bible Reading- Exodus 29-40

One week down... twelve to go. That's easier to stomach than saying seven days down... eighty-three to go! According to the schedule, I could either take today as a rest day today or do the Stretch X workout. I opted for the stretching becuase I am a glutton for punishment. It was actually kind of nice. I could use all the stretching I can get because I am not flexible at all! So outside of the getting out of bed early, I felt pretty good this morning.

I finished out the book of Exodus this morning as well. We spent several chapters laying out the specifications for the tabernacle and everything that goes with it, and today we spent several chapters explaining the exact same thing as they actually completed it. It was arduous! But its completed. I'm sure that if I studied it more I would find the importance of laying all of this out in such detail, but simply reading it, I am not picking up such significance. I'm sure I even learned all of that in one of my Old Testament classes in college, but that was 7-ish years ago and I have since forgotten. Sorry Mr. Zorn. Tomorrow I begin Leviticus. My excitement can hardly be contained. I will try my best to not read ahead, but I can make no promises.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 6

Workout- Kenpo X
Bible Reading- Exodus 15:19-27 - 28

I officially have a favorite workout. Mainly because I didn't feel like I wanted to fall over and die at the end, but it was kind of fun too. Kenpo X is basically a kick boxing routine. It definitely left me out of breath and I soaked my shirt with sweat, but I felt pretty good by the end of it. I'm starting to get used to getting up early. I drag a little for the first 10 mintutes or so, but once I get going I feel pretty good. It's the late morning and early afternoon period that I am really struggling with. All I want to do is take a nap! I need to figure out some snacks that are both healthy for me, and will give me some energy. This way I don't resort to sugar and caffeinated drinks to give me a boost. Any suggestions? Last night we went to the grocery store and I found myself staring longingly at all of the snacks. Especially new ones that I have never tried before. There is one particularly sinful goodie that I almost put in the cart. Ever heard of "Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard Stuffed Oreos"? Their both redundant and delicious! Despite the temptation, I was able to walk away. Me- 1... Oreos- 0.

I sojourned further into the book of Exodus today as well. The first 10 chapters went well. It's the familiar story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea to flee from Egypt and their subsequent wanderings. They complain about food, then God gives them food. They complain about water, then God gives them water. Seriously, God is way more patient with these people than I ever would have been. I suppose that is why I was not chosen to be God. I lack anything resembling divine power. The final few chapters of this section were a lot more arduous to get through. It was all the specifications for how to build the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant. Can you say dry? I much prefer learning these sorts of things from watching Indiana Jones.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 5

Workout- Legs and Back & Ab Ripper X
Bible Reading- Exodus 1-15:1-18

Squats and pull-ups, squats and pull-ups, squats and pull-ups. That is what this workout consisted of. I kind of want to fall over and die. It was really difficult to want to get out of bed and work out this morning. I just wanted to sleep in. I was even dreading this morning last night before I even went to bed. But, I can finally look back now and say that I proud of myself for doing it. I got out of bed and hit play on the dvd. That's a lot more than I was doing last week so I need to be happy. Perhaps I will eventually look forward to it, but I just don't see that happening at this point.

The reading was a little difficult as well this morning. I really had to fight my eyelids to stay open. I was definitely drifting. The story of Moses is quite a good story though. I find myself feeling bad for Pharoah. I'm sure that's not the authors intention, but that's what happened. It seems like he starts to come around to the demands of Moses and then God hardens his heart so the plagues will continue. All of this is an effort on God's part to show his power to the people of Egypt. While this is necessary, I just think that God should throw Pharoah a bone here. Maybe it's just me, but if he wants to change, I think he should be given the chance! But what do I know? I'm not so good at the whole all knowing omnicience thing.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 4

Workout- Yoga X
Bible Reading- Genesis 40:12-23 - 50

I thought that maybe today would be a little bit easier. How hard can yoga be after all? WRONG! I have learned a lot today! To get an idea, try this. while standing, gently place your heel of your right foot on the back of your head... and breath. Not so easy is it! Now they didn't actually have us do that, but I felt like it. They were doing some pretty ridiculous things in this workout. I am not nearly coordinated or flexible enough to do 1/2 of the things today, but I gave it the good ol' college try. Namaste.

In my bible reading I finished up the story of Joseph. I love this story but mostly because it brings back college memories. At Lincoln, I was in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". I think more bible stories should be put to musicals staring Donnie Osmond. It would at least help me remember them more. Of course all morning now I have been singing in my head "Go Go Go Joseph you know what they say..." . It will eventually fade. For now Genesis is over and there are 65 books to go.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 3

Workout- Arms and Shoulders & Ab Ripper X
Bible Reading- Genesis 28:20-22 - 40:1-11

I am definitely to the point were I am feeling sore. It's a chore to move at all. If it wasn't so uncomfortable I would find it encouraging. At least if I am sore, that means that I am doing something right. I'm not quite to the place where I can consider this a bright spot yet, but I am sure I will get there.

It was a little more difficult for me to get motivated enough to get out of bed and work out this morning. Especially since today is Saturday and I didn't really have to get out of bed. But I did, and now that it is all over, I am glad I did it. I think I prefer getting my workout and bible reading done during the morning so I don't have to worry about doing it the rest of the day.

Today I read more of Genesis. Today's section was about Jacob's life. And a crazy life it was. I think this is a testament to why polygamy is not a good idea. All the stress that came for the competition between Leah and Rachel had to be exhausting to deal with. I've got my hands full with one wife and one child. I can't imagine what it was like dealing with two wives, two concubines, twelve sons, and one daughter! That's a nervous breakdown waiting to happen.

As crazy as all this is, it is still interesting to read all of this to lean the origins of the different people groups of the bible. Especially when you consider that all of this is just the beginning of the entire story of the Bible. A story that leads to the birth of Christ and the salvation that comes through Him. It didn't start with Joseph and Mary... it started way back here.

All good things are a work in progress. Not that I am comparing my goals with ETERNAL SALVATION, but it helps me remind myself that nothing good can start at the end results. There is a beginning and its a process.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 2

Workout- Plyometrics
Bible Reading- Genesis 17-28:1-19

What is Plyometrics you ask? I can't say that I know either. I remember reading in the manual what it actually is, but I have since forgotten. What I do remember is that they nick name it, "Jump Training". This means that there is a lot of squatting and jumping involved. I kind of wanted to cut off my legs when I was done. Unfortunately, the lack of legs would not be a valid excuse for not working out. In the video, one of the demonstrators working out with the instructor has a prostethic leg!!! Seriously, I was getting my butt kicked at jumping by a one legged man!

When it was all said and done, I was glad I did it. I feel accomplished, even it is only day two. I have to start somewhere.

After my work out, I laid on the couch to do my reading for the day. I think we all know this, but the Old Testament can be really, really weird some times. I know that 90% of it would make more sense to me, if I studied the cultural context of the times, but just reading it at face value can make it all sound down right crazy! All of the interpersonal relationships really threw me for a loop today. People with their multiple wives and determination to have children to pass on the familiy line was so contrary to today. No wonder people don't read the Old Testament more! It's almost a foreign language!

Oh well. Until tomorrow...


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 1

Workout- Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X
Bible Reading- Genesis 1-16

As I lay on the floor in the fetal position after my workout, I wondered several things. Why, dear God, why did I decide to do this? have I told few enough people so no one would notice if i quit? Will this be worth it? Unfortunately, running through my head the loudest of all was the age old question... to vomit or not to vomit?

Now it's time to take a step back and realize that it really wasn't the worst thing ever. I may take this comment back later as my muscles continually cuss at me throughout the day. But for now, lets just say that I will make it and this will all be worth it.

Of course I didn't do all of the exercises that are on the dvd. I made my best attempt but lets face it, I'm a beginner and proud of the fact that I at least attempted. If I keep at it, eventually I will be able to make at least of feeble attempt at keeping up. For now, I'm satisfied with the fact that I actually hit play on the dvd and put forth the effort. It's a starting point at least.

The Bible reading wasn't bad today. Of course, I have read these first 16 chapters several times as I have attempted reading plans that start in Genesis many times before, so I am pretty familiar with at least this part of the Bible. We will see how things are going once I get to Leviticus.


what have I done?

so I received all of my P90X equipment today in the mail. I excitedly unwrapped everything and made an attempt at installing my pull-up bar. It's still a work in progress. Now comes the time for the fitness challenge. This is where you do various exercises to show just how out of shape you are. The idea is that you come back in 9o days and do the same challenge to see how much progress you have made. The evidence of my inactivity over the last few years very quickly came to light. I managed to do only 12 push ups and the 1.5 minutes of jumping jacks nearly killed me! Thus, the reason why I need this. I may die doing it, but if I stick with it, it will be worth the effort.

So why am I doing this now? Especially along with the other challenge I have set before myself of reading the Bible in 90 days. Also, besides the fact that they both neatly fit into 90 day packages! Also, along with the fact that I feel that physical and spiritual well being can go hand in hand quite nicely, I simply need this. I need to dig into the word of God and let it take hold of me. Despite being a Bible College graduate, I have yet to a place in my life where reading the Bible has become a regular life changing thing. I have sparks of hope, but it never really catches hold. I need that. I feel called to let that happen in my life. Unfortunately, I don't think it is something that is just going to magically happen for me. It's much like working out in that you have to put in the effort first.

So again I wonder, why now? While being bored and needing a project are part of it, there are a few more things involved. I've been complaining of my clothes not fitting for quite some time. I suppose I'm not going to shrink down to the size I want simply with good intentions. If that were the case, no would be out of shape. I suppose the biggest factor was the birth of my beautiful daughter Julia, three weeks ago. She's perfect beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I never knew that you could instantly love somebody that much. This may be a new dad thing, but I have become overwhelmed with the responsibility of fatherhood. Not only to be a good dad, but to simply be here for her and later in life for her kids. To do that I need to get healthy. I had open heart surgery 5 years ago so things are not exactly in my favor health wise. I need to work doubly hard to achieve this!

So I guess you could say that I am doing this now because I cannot afford to wait. My desires have finally met up with the proper motivation and determination.

Wish me luck!