Why am I doing this?

I have found that I am in need of a project. I also have several goals that seem to be nagging me lately. 1. I need to get in shape. Although round is a shape, it's not so much what I am looking for. 2. I need to read the Bible more. It has yet to become a vital foundation to my faith on a consistent basis. 3. I would like to write more. It's something I greatly enjoy, but simply do not make time for it.

So I have decided to take the next 90 days to simultaneously complete the P90X fitness challenge, Read the Bible in 90 Days, and Blog about my entire experience. Viola! This condenses all three goals into a single project.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 70

Workout- Rest Day
Bible Reading- Zechariah 11 - Matthew 4

H-A-L-E-L-U-J-A-H! I am done with the Old Testament!!!! I feel like I have reached a major milestone. I forget how long it is. Now that I see that it takes 70 days of dedicated reading to finish it, I truly realize how much is in it! Especially compared to the New Testament which will only take 20 days to complete. Now that I realize that I only have 20 days left I feel a slight compulsion to kick it up a notch with my workouts. I was a little bit lazy with them last week because I was so busy all week long. I still got them done but it was a far cry from being my best effort. I'm hoping that I can really do a good job these last three weeks and finish strong.

In other news, my lovely wife has turned 28 years old today! She has a friend that refers to your birthday as being your "Princess Day". If anyone deserves to have a princess day, then it my wife. Honey, I hope that you have the best Princess Day ever! You are such a wonderful mommy and a fantastic wife! I am so extremely blessed to have you in my life. I love you so much.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 69

Workout- Kenpo X
Bible Reading- Habakkuk 1 - Zechariah 10

If my day had a soundtrack to it, it would definitely be "The Flight of the Bumblebee". Not stop form waking up to this very moment, I have been crazy busy trying to get things done. Even as I end this, I have to go and finish making Breanne's birthday cake. Tomorrow she is turning 28 and it is our tradition for the spouse to make the birthday cake. This year I have opted to make her favorite, which is pink cake with rainbow chip icing. I am trying to make it a little bit more exciting by dying the icing purple (her favorite color) with food coloring, but I am not having an immense amount of luck with that. It's a little grayish. Oh well, I think I should get an "A" for effort.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 68

Workout- Legs and Back
Bible Reading- Amos 9:11 - Nahum 3

Baby Piscia has arrived! Welcome to the world Jackson Stephen. Personally I have been so excited for this day to come because I know the joy that a baby brings. Simultaneously, I have been dreading it! For those who don't know, Joni works at my office with me. It's a small office with only 3 employees so when one takes 10 weeks off, we definitely feel it! My workload has instantly doubled and I am not very excited about that. So I will put my nose to the grind stone and pray that a gin and tonic will be waiting for me when I get home. I'm pretty sure that I will need it.

Hopefully these next 10 weeks will go by quickly!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 67

Workout- Cardio X
Bible Reading- Hosea 13:7 - Amos 9:10

I am currently experiencing one of my most favorite things in the world. As I am sitting here typing, my daughter is laying next to me squeezing my arm and cooing. She has the biggest grin on her face too. I have no idea what she is saying, but I can't help but think that she is thinking that this too is one of her most favorite things to do as well. I know that she won't always want to lay on the couch next to her daddy so for now I am going to cherish the moment. I will stow it away and pull it out on the day that I realize that she would rather hang out with some boy than to sit on the couch with her old man. A boy who will inevitably be some ungrateful punk that I highly disapprove of.

So that's what I am going to do. Enjoy the moment. She is only three months old now, but it feels like just yesterday that I held her in my arms for the first time. Pretty soon she will be crossing things off of the list of life's milestones. Crawling, walking, talking, telling me no, getting sassy... Let's dwell on the cute things for now. Life happens. It comes quickly and before we know it, it is all over. I'm just trying to enjoy it as it comes. I know she has to grow up, but part of me hopes that no matter how old she gets, she will always need her daddy.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 66

Workout- Biceps and Back
Bible Reading- Daniel 9 - Hosea 13:6

If there were an award for "Husband of the Year"... then I think I would be a good contender. Not because I am so incredibly awesome. That is merely a side effect of being me. I deserve this award because I do things with my wife to make her happy, even when I really don't want to.

This weekend there was a Beth Moore, "Living Proof" conference in St. Louis. Breanne is friends with Travis Cottrell, who is the worship leader for these events. She really loves this guy and the way he and his team lead worship and really wanted me to go with her to this conference to experience it. So I agreed.

Those of you who don't know who Beth Moore is, then you may be asking yourself why this is such a big deal. Well, these conferences are primarily attended by women. There were a few men there, but the predominant hormone in the room is by far, Estrogen. So there I was surrounded by 7,500 women in Capri pants. I have never felt more out of place in my life. All of the male bathrooms in the building had been re purposed for feminine use. So when it came time for me to go I was in real trouble. I searched high and low for a place to go that wasn't surrounded by hordes of women. Finally I found the one bathroom in the entire stadium that had not been taken over. At least that is what I thought. While the bathroom was intended for male use, I was told I couldn't go in as twelve women felt the need to take over this last sanctuary of testosterone. I patiently waited my turn, which was quite aggravating. I'm a man! I have never had to wait to use a bathroom in my life! Anyway... I digress.

All complaints aside, I really was pretty good. Anyone that thinks that women cannot teach the word of God need to listen to a little Beth Moore. She is freaking incredible! Pretty hilarious as well, which is always nice. Overall, the women were very accommodating and did not give me too many sideways glances. No one asked me why I was there as if I was some sort of spy who had crossed some invisible enemy line. I was welcomed with open arms. Despite feeling welcome, I still felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. My wife was happy that I went with her and I suppose if I had to, I would do it again. This is how much I love you honey.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 65

Workout- Plyometrics
Bible reading- Ezekiel 47:13 - Daniel 8

Thank God we are done with the major prophets! Ezekiel has been been a chore. Parts are good, but others have been rather laborious to read. I only have five more days and I will be in the New Testament! Woo Hoo!

This morning I was uber productive. I got out of bed at 6 and did my workout. Then I mowed my yard! All of this before I went to work. I am awesome! I am definitely feeling more motivated about this whole working out thing. I am finally seeing results. Breanne talked about a guy who told her that she had to commit to working out for 8 weeks because it takes that long to begin to see results. I am in week 10 and I feel like I am finally making real progress. This morning I weighted myself and was really excited. I have lost 12 pounds! My goal is 10 more. I have 3 1/2 more weeks left to do it!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 64

Workout- Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps
Bible Reading- Ezekiel 36 - 47:12

So I just typed up a big long blog about how busy I am and how this weekend is going to be pure craziness. After all of that, I decided that I was done complaining and was going to have a positive attitude. Then Blogger decided to malfunction as I was posting and I lost all that I said before. I'm annoyed and don't feel like rehashing all of it again.

The cliff notes version is about going to my dad's this weekend. Breanne signed me up to go to a Beth Moore conference with her. We are going because she is friends with the worship band and wants us both to hang out with them and to introduce them to Julia. It will certainly be an interesting weekend.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 63

Workout- Rest Day
Bible Reading- Ezekiel 23:4 - 35

I am exhausted! Working out until 11:30 last night as worn me out! I am so glad that today is my rest day! I officially have four weeks left for this cycle of the program. I am getting pretty excited! I feel like I can tell a difference and I am doing a lot better in my workouts as far as being able to keep up too. Its very encouraging.

I am making a last ditch effort for these last few weeks of trying to eat better. I am not going to eat fast food and I am not going to drink any soda. For those who have been following my blog then you know how difficult this will be for me. Even writing this I am thinking about hamburgers and french fries. As the end draws near and have also been thinking about what I want as my celebratory meal when I am finished with this round. I still have not forgotten my post from several weeks ago about wanting a big horseshoe form Darcy's pint. I think that is still the front runner. Anyway, for now, I am committed to being good! I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 62

Workout- Kenpo X
Bible Reading- Ezekiel 12:21 - 23:39

As I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, a new wave of insanity may be washing over me. Separately, my two brothers have asked me about the P90X program. It is beginning to look like all three of us may be giving it a go. Me for round two, and them for their first time through. How in the world do I get talked into these things? I will finish this program around July 20th and will have a few weeks off. Then, sometime in August, I will start up again. This time around I will not be doing it alone. Well, I will still literally be alone, but my brothers will be doing it in there respective homes. Matt lives in Collinsville and Thomas is serving in Iraq. Apparently he needs something to pass the time, so I will be happy to help. See what a good brother I am? Nothing is set in stone yet, as they have to round up all the necessary equipment, but it looks like I will not be done with this anytime soon. sigh.

It will be fun though. I'm oddly looking forward to it. How weird is that?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 61

Workout- Legs and Back
Bible Reading- Lamentations 2 - Ezekiel 12:20

I have been without internet for the last day or so due to the ineptitude of Comcast. I affectionately refer to them as Comcrap. I won't rehash my annoyance here as I will thankfully be rid of them as of Thursday. I am praying that AT&T will not let me down. I have very high hopes for them.

This week my schedule is completely out of whack! My church is doing something called "Garage-A-Palooza". For those who don't know, my church meets in an old auto service garage. Hence, the "garage" portion of the title. I don't know what the technical definition of a "palooza" is, but it's a darn good time as far as I am concerned. Anyway, "Garage-A-Palooza" is a one week activity camp for 1st - 5th graders to come to our church to participate in different activity groups and also learn about God. They get to do different activities such as horses, juggling, basketball, drama, sewing.... and on and on. It's a really fun week and a great chance for kids to learn new activities and find out more about themselves and God. This year I am taking a less involved role and simply running sound. It's been fun sitting in the back and watching all of the kids sing along with the songs. There is a stark difference between the adults who stand still in church and barely show emotion and the kids who aren't afraid to jump around and look silly all in the name of singing to God! At what age do we lose that freedom? These same adults who stand still on Sunday morning will lose all inhibition when around these kids and look just as silly as they do! There is just something that is contagious about the joy of children having fun and worshiping God. I wish adult services were more like this!


Day 60

Workout- Cardio X
Bible Reading- Free day

I did my workout yesterday, but Comcast shut off our service a week earlier than I requested so I couldn't post anything yesterday. I did do it though so I can safely say that I have yet to miss a day. They supposedly have it back up and going, but I have not been home to check. I will have to to today's blog later tonight... hopefully.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 59

Workout- Shoulders & Arms
Bible Reading- Jeremiah 48 - Lamentations 1

I am one dedicated guy! I have been busy all day long today and finally had some free time around 9:30 this evening. I seriously considered just going to bed. However, I had this nagging thought ringing in the back of my head that just made me do it. I have gone 59 days so far without missing a scheduled workout so I just couldn't let myself do it now. So I did it. Go me. Now I'm exhausted and need to go to bed. Goodnight.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 58

Workout- Plyometrics
Bible Reading- Jeremiah 33:23 - 47

As long as I am in confessing mode, I may as well share another one of my deep dark secrets with you. I may risk much ridicule and scorn with this, but I feel that I need to get this off of my chest.

I don't really like summer. Gasp! In fact, the older I get, the more that dislike begins to fester and I foresee it eventually turning into hate. There, I said it. As a kid I used to love it. You didn't have school and you could go swim at the pool every day! What is not to like?

Now I'm an adult and all the magic of summer has faded. I work every day and it is so hot. The only outside activity that I get to do now is mowing the yard. I don't go on any vacations and I don't know anyone that has a pool. This morning I was outside at 7am and I was sweating! Nothing about that is ok!

So there you have it. I'm the freak show that doesn't like this time of year and I already find myself longing for the crisp fall air. I day dream of shades of oranges and reds in the trees. I want to go to a corn maze and the pumpkin patch. I want eat candy corn and pumpkin pie!

sheesh... if I'm already like this, imagine what I will be like when mid August hits! Bleh!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 57

Workout- Chest and Back
Bible Reading- Jeremiah 23:9 - 33:22

Hello, my name is Michael... and I am an addict. I freely admit it. Everyday I am tempted. Currently I am 2 days sober.

What is my drug of choice you ask? McDonalds. I can't help myself! They are my absolute favorite and don't you dare judge me! Worse yet, is that McDonalds is right next door to my work. It's just so easy to run on over and get something. My coworker was heading over to get lunch and asked if I wanted anything. I said no. Then I revised my comment and admitted that I always wanted something, but I didn't need anything so I resisted the temptation. The fact of the matter is that you could ask me at any point in the day if I would like some french fries and if I was being honest, I would probably say yes. I know they are horrible for me. I know that you can leave them out for months on end and they won't decompose. I've seen "Supersize Me". I just don't seem to care! They are too darn disgustingly delicious! I can't help myself! Fries, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, frappes, egg mcmuffins..... I Mc-love it all! Please don't think any less of me.

So, now you know my dirty little secret. Maybe I can get started on some sort of 12 step program. If anyone out there wants to be my sponsor, just let me know.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 56

Workout- Rest Day
Bible Reading- Jeremiah 10:14 - 23:8

I did my 2nd set of progress pictures last night. I am fairly happy with my progress. I'm not hardcore dieting so I can only expect so much. Overall, I am proud of myself for what I have accomplished so far, and am looking forward to seeing what happens over the course of my final five weeks of the program.

*Sorry for anyone who really had no desire to see me shirtless. Quickly click the red X in the corner and try to go to your happy place. The mental images will eventually subside.

Day 55

Workout- Cardio X
Bible Reading- Isaiah 66:19 - Jeremiah 10:13

It has finally happened! It has taken 55 days to get there but the day has finally arrived. My alarm went off this morning at 5:45 and I woke up without that feeling of annoyance that I normally feel. I got right out of bed and I actually wanted to work out this morning. I worked really hard at it and was drenched with sweat when it was all over. I even enjoyed the process! How crazy is that? The weirdness pursued as I sat down to do my reading for the day and I really enjoyed that today as well. What has come over me?

Breanne and I started discussing last night how we have both been in a funk lately. I think we all have those times and we are both definitely feeling that. I think adjusting to life with a baby is wearing on both of us. This is compounded by the fact that if I'm in a funk, it puts her in a funk, and then it all snowballs. As you have surely read over the past few weeks, you can see my funkiness in my blog. I just have not been very chipper.

So I am hoping to change that. I've been praying for change and maybe this morning is a glimpse of that. I also had the joy of being able to put on my "skinny jeans". In fact, I am wearing them today. Yesterday I was wearing a pair of size 36 jeans and today I am wearing a size 33! Woo Hoo!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 54

Workout- Kenpo X
Bible Reading- Isaiah 52:13 - 66:18

Hooray! Yesterday somebody at church came up to me and actually asked me if I had been working out. Woo Hoo! I feel like I look different, but it is really reassuring to have somebody else notice too. I take a new picture on Wednesday and I am hoping to tell a difference. Maybe I will be brave enough to actually post my progress this time. We will have to wait and see.

I'm feeling light on things to say today so I will call it quits for today. If I think of anything else of interest to say I will log back on to let you know.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 53

Workout- Core Synergistics
Bible Reading- Isaiah 41:19 - 52:12

While I don't particularly enjoy working out in the morning, I always feel very accomplished when I can get all of my tasks for the day done early. Then I don't have to think about them for the rest of the day. Now I can joyfully consider what my afternoon and evening will look like. Right now, I am foreseeing a nap in my future. that is of course if the baby is cooperative. I'm hoping to help her learn of the great joys that a nap has to offer. If it's nice out, which very likely will not happen as it looks quite gloomy out, I would like to get in a game of disc golf. I haven't got to play in forever and am feeling quite deprived. Although, there are few things that are better on a rainy Sunday afternoon than laying on the couch and watching a movie. Ahh... so many options and not nearly enough time to do them all. sigh.


Day 52

Workout- Stretch X
Bible Reading - Isaiah 29 - 41:18

I did manage to get 2 of my three tasks done yesterday. I wasn't going to work out, but Breanne made me. Way to go honey.

So consider this my blog from yesterday. Today's blog to come later.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 51

Workout- Core Synergistics
Bible Reading- Isaiah 14 - 28

I am past the half way point and I can't help but reevaluate why I am doing this. It's not fun, it's really time consuming, and it hurts. So what is my motivation for doing this? As far as the workout goes, my motivation is pretty obvious. I want to be healthier. I want to be skinnier. I want at least the vague semblance of a bicep. As I evaluate my progress thus far, I think I am making baby steps towards achieving this. I don't enjoy working out and I really don't enjoy the pain I feel after doing so, but I at least feel accomplished.

As far as the Bible reading goes, that is a harder motivation to define. I hear some Christians talk about how the Bible has shaped their faith and how they feel God's presence when they read his word. I can't really say that this is a common occurance for me. I never have that craving to dig out my Bible and just start reading. I'm not sure what that says about me, but if I am being honest, this is the case. So again, why am I doing this? I think for me, it is more of an act of obedience. God calls us to read His word and I have set the challenge for myself to do so. I can't say that I feel changed yet, but like the working out, I at least feel accomplished. Not to say that I haven't benefited from it so far. It's hard to buckle down and read the Old Testament. However, it is good to see the history of where we come from. To read about how the creation of the world is eventually connected to the birth of Christ and the redemption of this world that we live it. It's all one connected story. Albeit weird at times and sometimes boring... but connected none the less. So while I do an aweful lot of complaining, I do think that this exercise is overall beneficial to me, and quite difficult! Only 39 days left! Hopefully I can keep at it and finish strong!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 50

Workout- Cardio X
Bible Reading- Isaiah 1 - 13

I.... am.... exhausted! I have been going non stop all night! After work I came home and mowed the yard, did my workout, helped Breanne finish setting up her new garden, took a shower, took out the trash, and cooked dinner. Whew. now I am tired and ready for bed. I am also really, really sore. Once I finally sat down I could feel the exhaustion wash over me. Now I am trying to find the motivation to remove myself from the couch and actually go to bed.

1...2....3... go.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 49

Workout- Rest Day
Bible Reading- Ecclesiastes 3 - Songs of Solomon 8

Oh glorious rest day. You were everything that I had hoped that you would be. That two extra hours of sleep in the morning make a huge difference in the way that I feel. If only I could sleep in every day.

So it has been a really long time since I have read the Songs of Solomon. I always knew that they were a little out there, but parts of it are down right scandalous! It's really quite beautiful as it is going back and forth between a man and a woman who are very in love, but some of the things that are say will make you blush a little bit if you are not ready for it.

Tomorrow I start Isaiah and I am not looking forward to it. The last time that I tried to read through that book I had a really tough time. If I remember correctly it is a lot of prophesy in it and without the proper research, this all goes way over my head. Oh well, here's to hoping that I get a lot more out of it this time.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 48

Workout- Kenpo X
Bible Reading- Proverbs 20:22 - Ecclesiastes 2

Day 6 has struck again. I got out of bed and started my workout, but 10 minutes in, I could feel the wave of laziness wash over me. The 6th day of working out in a row just leaves me worn out. I wish I had time in the afternoon to get a workout in, because there is just something about the morning that I despise. I am so not a morning person! I think it might be the fact that I am the only person awake. I get just a little jealous of the ones in the house that are still snuggled up in their beds. Does anyone out there have any good motivational ideas for me. Something that can get me up and going? Lately I have been dragging!!! Maybe I could take a quick walk down the street and back, just to get me going. I might start trying that.

Tomorrow is my free day! I am super excited about that.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 47

Workout- Legs and Back
Bible Reading- Proverbs 8 - 20:21

I feel like I have just gone through a thousand fortune cookies, without all of the Chinese food goodness. That must mean that I am in the book of Proverbs. It's such an odd book and I just don't know what to do with it. It certainly has good pearls of wisdom, but how am I supposed to apply them? Is this book meant to be read in one sitting or is it better to just pick a few out and ponder them individually? I'm not sure what would be best. What I do know is that I probably only soaked up about 15% of what I was reading. The rest of it flew in one ear and out the other. Anyone have any thoughts on some practical applications for this book, because I am out of ideas.

Maybe I can go get some Chinese food and ponder this. Mmmmm.... Crab Rangoon! That's it, I need to go to First Wok. Who's with me?


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 46

Workout- Cardio X
Bible Reading- Psalm 135 - Proverbs 6

I finally finished all of Psalms today. This is a book that is great to read each chapter individually on an occasional but it is really difficult to sit down and read all 150 chapters in a short time period. There is no narrative going on so it is really difficult for me to stay concentrated on what I was reading. I also had to tackle all 176 verses of Psalm 119 and I can honestly tell you that I have no idea what it was about. I think I spent the majority of that chapter wondering when it was going to be over, but it just kept going and going. Overall, I really do enjoy the Psalms, but I think they are better when you just read a few at a time. Since it is Sunday, I will leave one of my favorite Psalms on here for you to read. I hope it provides a good focus for you as we go to worship God today.

Psalm 149

1 Praise the Lord !

Sing to the Lord a new song.
Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful.

2 O Israel, rejoice in your Maker.
O people of Jerusalem, exult in your King.
3 Praise his name with dancing,
accompanied by tambourine and harp.
4 For the Lord delights in his people;
he crowns the humble with victory.
5 Let the faithful rejoice that he honors them.
Let them sing for joy as they lie on their beds.

6 Let the praises of God be in their mouths,
and a sharp sword in their hands—
7 to execute vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,
8 to bind their kings with shackles
and their leaders with iron chains,
9 to execute the judgment written against them.
This is the glorious privilege of his faithful ones.

Praise the Lord !


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 45

Workout- Back and Biceps
Bible Reading- Psalm 109 - 134

What is that way off in the distance? If you look waaayyyy off you can see it. It looks like a tiny little speck of light. I think it just might be the light at the end of the tunnel. Today being day 45, marks the official half way point. I look back and I think that it doesn't feel like I have been doing this for that long, but then again, it feels like I have been at this forever! It's weird like that. Anyway, I am so excited to know that I have more days behind me than I do before me. I'm very proud of myself for sticking with it for this long. Maybe the downward slope that is left is just the motivation I need to put more effort into it. We will see.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 44

Workout- Plyometrics
Bible Reading- Psalm 89:14 - 108

I did it. I got up early and both worked out and did my reading. I didn't exactly have a smile on my face, but I at least got up and did it. I don't understand those people who supposedly love to work out. What kind of masochist enjoys getting out of bed early and torturing themselves? I refuse to believe that anyone actually enjoys working out. If given the choice between doing push-ups or running and sitting on the couch with a bag of Doritos, you had better believe that I am choosing the Doritos every time! Anyone who tells you differently is a liar! I have come to terms with this. I will continue with this challenge and keep working out, but I don't have to like it and I'm OK with that.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 43

Workout- Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders
Bible Reading- Psalm 69:22 - 89:13

So yesterday was rough. It was just an overall bad day. Today was better. I voted that I didn't have to work out early this morning because I was working a 1/2 day today. So when I got off of work I came home at one o'clock and I started my workout. I feel like I did a pretty good job of putting in a good effort into it. That's always a nice feeling, even if I am exhausted afterward. The workout was not all I did today. A weird wave of motivation came over me and I ended up mowing, weed eating, and raking the yard. Then after that I came inside and I vacuumed the house and living room furniture. How weird is that? I suppose I am feeling a little bit today than I was yesterday.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 42

Workout- Rest Day
Bible Reading- Psalm 45:15 - 69:21

It was a ho hum kind of day. I was really happy to have the rest day, but am overwhelmed with a feeling of blah. That's where I am at for the day. Nothing of great consequence to report. I'm not feeling very confident at the moment. The end.

I know this does not fit very well with my resolution of being positive, but I suppose we are just going to have to live with it for the day. Tomorrow is a new day and I will just have to be positive then.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 41

Workout- Legs and Back
Bible Reading- Psalm 25 - 45:14

Today was rough. So rough in fact that it took two tries. I got up early, as I normally do and I began to get ready for my workout. I put on my shoes, grabbed a big glass of water, and got out my towel. I popped in the DVD and got started. That's when the overwhelming feeling of laziness descended upon me. I could not for the life of me get motivated. I sort of half completed the movements required. After about 15 minutes I just knew that I wasn't accomplishing anything and that if I just continued I would only finish with a feeling of disappointment. So I quit. I turned it off and I sat on the couch to do my reading for the day. I resigned myself with the fate of having my workout looming over my head for the rest of the day. this evening after work, Breanne and I went grocery shopping. As soon as we got home from that, I begrudgingly put on my tennis shoes and got to work. This time, I put a lot more effort into it and actually accomplished something. I'm hoping that this mornings flub was simply me experiencing my "day six slump". Day seven of each week is my rest day and for the past few weeks, day six has been a bear! I'm really hoping that I can get over that. At least tomorrow is my rest day and I can start again strong for week seven.
