Why am I doing this?

I have found that I am in need of a project. I also have several goals that seem to be nagging me lately. 1. I need to get in shape. Although round is a shape, it's not so much what I am looking for. 2. I need to read the Bible more. It has yet to become a vital foundation to my faith on a consistent basis. 3. I would like to write more. It's something I greatly enjoy, but simply do not make time for it.

So I have decided to take the next 90 days to simultaneously complete the P90X fitness challenge, Read the Bible in 90 Days, and Blog about my entire experience. Viola! This condenses all three goals into a single project.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 19

Workout- Legs and Back
Bible Reading- Judges 15:13 - 1 Samuel 2:29

Guess who forgot to set their alarm clock last night? That's right! Fortunately I still woke up in enough time to get my workout it. I was rushing it to get a shower in before I had to leave for work, but I made it. I have a new resolve to work harder this week on my work out. I slacked off a little for the weekend so I need to come back strong and work harder this week.

I finished up Judges and Ruth today and got a start on 1 Samuel. Yesterday I got to the point to where I was 20% finished. That felt good. That is a very tangible number that to me, shows progress. I learned that I have several people that are following along with my progress and are cheering me on. That is encouraging to know that I am not doing this by myself. I have people who don't want me to quit! So, now on to the other 80% that is left. I can do it!


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