Why am I doing this?

I have found that I am in need of a project. I also have several goals that seem to be nagging me lately. 1. I need to get in shape. Although round is a shape, it's not so much what I am looking for. 2. I need to read the Bible more. It has yet to become a vital foundation to my faith on a consistent basis. 3. I would like to write more. It's something I greatly enjoy, but simply do not make time for it.

So I have decided to take the next 90 days to simultaneously complete the P90X fitness challenge, Read the Bible in 90 Days, and Blog about my entire experience. Viola! This condenses all three goals into a single project.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 28

Workout- Rest Day/Walking
Bible Reading 2 Kings 15:26 - 25

What a glorious thing it was this morning to to not have to get up at 6 am. It's so weird to think that I actually felt like I was "sleeping in" to not wake up until 7:45. I'm a lazy bum! I sure do love my sleep though. Anyway, today was my rest day and I greatly enjoyed every minute of it. Breanne and I even went for a walk this evening. I strapped the baby in the carrier and we were on our way. It was pretty fun! She seemed to enjoy herself.

I'm feeling like my Bible Reading is getting a little monotonous. I think its just the repetitive nature of the book of Kings. I was talking with a friend the other day about the effect that reading scripture can have on you. I hear stories of people who talk about how the word of God has penetrated their heart and changed their lives. I'm sad to say that I cannot say that. Not because it sounds a little sappy to me, but simply because I honestly am not sure that that has ever happened. I was encouraging my friend to try reading some scripture because it is not something that he has done in a while and to stick with it, because it might not be a life changing experience in the beginning. If he is like me, it probably won't be. I have decided that for me, this whole reading the Bible in 90 days thing is an act of discipline. It is my prayer that God will honor this and show me how his word will fit into my life and shape my faith.


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